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Monday, 28 July 2008

Can Car Run On Water-Link

Water fuel cell kits are easy to install and the materials you will need are readily available. Follow the simple step by step instructions and you can have your car fuel cell up and running in a matter of a few hours. Water fuel cells are cost effective, easy to create and free of pollution. The use of water for gas

The decline of the dollar against world currency and the rising prices here at home means that we know that it is a certainty that the gas prices will be going up. The gas price is usually one of the first and we’ve already seen folks griping about supermarket prices going up..

A report on a new technology that will allow anyone to convert their car or truck to run on a mixture of gasoline and water using a "water-to-energy" converter.

Hydrogen The Future Energy Sources For Fuel by Archna Gupta

Burned or used in fuel cells, hydrogen is an appealing option for powering future automobiles. This nontoxic gas could serve as a pollution-free energy carrier for machines of many kinds. When it burns, it releases no carbon .dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas.
And if hydrogen is fed into a fuel cell stack a battery like device that generates electricity from hydrogen and oxygen it can propel an electric car or truck with only heat and water as by products. Fuel-cell powered vehicles could offer more than twice the efficiency of today's automobiles. Hydrogen could, therefore, help ease environmental problems, including air pollution and its hazards.

Weight for weight, hydrogen contains three times the energy of gasoline (petrol) but it is impossible to store hydrogen gas as compactly as the conventional liquid fuel. One of the most challenging technical issues is how to efficiently and safely store enough hydrogen onboard to provide the driving range and performance the motorists demand. Feasible storage devices hold sufficient hydrogen to support today's minimum acceptable travel (driving range--almost 500 kms)--on a fuel tank that does not compromise on luggage room. These tanks have to be filled or recharged in a few minutes. Lot many researchers in the U8 Internal Energy Agency are expending considerable effort to overcome these limitations. Infact, 17 governments are committed to advancing hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies. In 2005 the US Department of Energy provide4 $ 30 million to fund the 80 research projects.

A 500 km. minimum driving range is one of the principal operational aims of the auto industry. Engineers believe that a~allon of gasoline is equal,on an energy basis, to a kilogram of hydrogen.(One US gallon is almost 3.8 litres) Whereas today's automobile needs about 20 gallons of gasoline to travel 500 km.,the typical fuel-cell vehicle would need only 8 kilograms of hydrogen. Several automakers have tested about 60 hydrogen -fuelled prototypes and demonstrated driving ranges of 200 to 300 kms.

By 2010 some auto companies expect the first production of fuelcell cars to hit-the road. A hydrogen storage system must carry enough fuel for at least a 500 km trip and also be light enough to haul around a car. For a system weighing 600 kilograms (a reasonable~ size of a vehicle) ,six kgs. would be stored hydrogen. Liquified stored hydrogen can improve it's stored energy density and could be used in cars, it drawbacks notwithstanding. Neverthe less, One world-renowned carmakerBMW is pushing this technology onto the road. The vehicle called HYDROGEN-7 will incorporate an ,internal combustion engine capable of running on either gasoline for 500 Kms.or on liquid hydrogen for 250 kms.

Chemical compaction: to raise energy density scientists have been able to take advantage of the chemistry of hydrogen itself. In it~ liquid phase, hydrogen molecules contain two bound atoms each. But when hydrogen molecules are chemically bound to certain other elements, they can be packed even closer together than in liquid hydrogen.

Some researchers are focusing on a class of substances called reversible metal hydrides, which were discovered by accident in 1969 at the Philips Laboratories in the Netherlands. Investigators found that a Samarium-Cobalt alloy when exposed to pressurized hydrogen gas it would absorb hydrogen, somewhat like a sponge soaks up water. When the pressure was then removed ,the hydrogen within the alloy reemerged in other words, the process was reversible,
In the US, scientists like Jame Reilly and Gary Sandrock,pioneered the development of hydride alloys. This work formed the basis for today's widely used Nickel-Metal hydride batteries.The density of hydrogen in these alloys is 150 % more than liquid hydrogen! Such properties of metal hydrides are well suited to automobiles. Although the current metal hydrides have limitations, many automakers see them as the most viable low-pressure approaching the near future. Toyota and Honda automotive engineers, are planning a so-called hybrid approach in a system that combines a solid metal hydride with moderate pressure (lower than 10,000 psi) ,which they predict could achieve a driving range of more than 500 kms.

Designeer Materials: recent developments in nanoscale engineering have yielded a host of new high-surface-area materials, some with ~ more than 5,000 sq.mt. of surface area per gram of material. Carbon -based materials are mostly light weight and low cost. Over the centuries ,the basic promise -and challenge-of using hydrogen for transportatiQ1has remained fundamentally unchanged. Nevertheless finding a suitable container to store hydrogen in automobiles will soon permit people tp travel across the globe in the next decade without fouling or polluting the sky above us.

Archna Gupta is a veteran in the marketing of Internet and writing of the articles on the range of subjects. For any information on currently working on India Holidays and online car rental

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

Hydrogen Fuel Cells by Chuck Brown

Hydrogen fuel cell technology promises to help us deal with the dwindling supply of fossil fuel. But how far away is this technology for you and me?

Aren't you tired of the high price of gasoline for your car? Not to mention your concern for the environment. Well, a solution to both of these concerns may be just around the corner. For years, scientists have being working on an alternative energy source that promises to change the way we live by changing the source of fuel for some of our most basic energy-using engines. This new technology is called a fuel cell, and it's based on using water as the original source of the fuel! A fuel cell provides a DC (direct current) voltage that can be used to power motors, lights, or any number of electrical appliances--including cars.

The technical name for a fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device. You've actually been using one for many years, which is a battery. All batteries are electrochemical energy conversion devices.
But hydrogen fuel cell technology is a new twist on an old theme. Here's the basic idea of how it works:

A fuel cell converts the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the process it produces electricity. The difference between a simple battery and a fuel cell is that all the chemicals are stored inside the battery. The battery converts those chemicals into electricity but eventually it "goes dead" as the chemicals are used up. So you end up either throwing it away or recharging it.

On the other hand with a fuel cell, chemicals constantly flow into the cell. So as long as there is a flow of chemicals into the cell, electricity flows out of the fuel cell. Simply put, a fuel cell releases electrons from the hydrogen gas, creating electricity with the waste product being pure water! The electricity is used to power an electrical device--like the electric motor to run your car.

In an internal combustion engine, the gasoline engine burns gas and the battery converts chemical energy back into electrical energy when needed. However, fuel cells should do both tasks more efficiently.

This reaction in a single fuel cell produces only about 0.7 volts. To get this voltage up to a reasonable level, many separate fuel cells must be combined to form a fuel-cell stack.

One problem with using hydrogen is that it is not easily stored for consumer use. Other alternatives could be natural gas, propane, and methanol gas. But the primary objective of using fuel cell technology is pollution reduction. The fuel cell is also very efficient. Around 80% of the fuel used in these hydrogen fuel cells is converted into usable energy compared to only 20% for a gasoline powered engine and about 30% overall for a battery powered electric vehicle.

There is no question that the fuel cell holds great promise for the future. However, many challenges remain, and it's been predicted that hydrogen fuel cell technology won't be available for the masses until around 2050.

C. Brown is the publisher of Hybrid-Electric-Car.net where you can learn more about hydrogen fuel cells on his website.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

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